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The Nation of Lord Pashupatinath

The Nation of Lord Pashupatinath
Our country Nepal is a small land locked country. Our country Nepal lies in the lap of the Himalayas, the world highest mountain ranges. Our country is about 75% of its area is mountainous. Still the topography is quite uneven.
The area of our country Nepal is 1,47,181 on the basis of physiographical features, Nepal is divided into three destine regions which run east-west across the country.
The Himalayan regions comprise the highest area of Nepal above an altitude of 3300 m from the sea level along the northern belt of the country. The Himalayas is the highest mountain ranges of the world. Many of the highest peaks of the world above 8000 m, including Mt. Everest, the highest of all, lie in Himalayan region. Himalayan region occupies altogether 16 districts like Humla, Dolpa, Rasuwa, Solukhumbu, Teplejung and covers about 15% of the total area of the country.
The hilly region is the world widest band running east west between the Himalayan region in the north and the terai region is the south. Hilly region consists of about 68% of the total area of the country and altogether 39 districts.
The terai region comprises three narrows bands the terai , the chure range, and the inner-terai, all running east-west in parallel along the southern part. Terai region occupies 20 districts which amount about 17% of the total territory of the country. Its sub-tropical evergreen forests are very dense and extensive.
Facilities of transportation and communication are highly extended in the Terai Region, as the land topography there is leveled and comfortable. Large scale industries as well distributed. Non-agricultural job like in trade, business, and services are also possible. The hilly region has less extended facilities and job opportunities due to its more comfortable hilly structure than that of Himalayan region. Development infrastructures have not reached at most places. But high mountains with very cold and snowy condition have attracted people from throughout the world for mountaineering which has brought several job opportunities to the people of this region. In our country festivals are celebrated. Mainly the woman or girls are mostly engaged in this type of ceremony. Women mainly celebrate festivals like Teej, Krishnaasthami, Shivarathri, etc. Our country is poor in economic but rich in culture. So, I love my country.


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