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The Nation of Natural Diversity

The Nation of Natural Diversity
My country name is Nepal. I love my country Nepal. It lies between Indian and China. Nepal is divided into three distinct regions which run east-west across the country.
i.                    The Himalayan Region
ii.                  The Hilly Region
iii.                The Terai Region
Our country Nepal is a small land locked country. Our Nepal is second richest country in the water resources of all over the world. Nepal is the agriculture country. Nepal has poor economic condition. We should be proud of being Nepali people because there is Mount-Everest also. There are so many hills, animals and birds. Nepal's climate conditions can be divided into two periods.
Summer condition
During Chaitra, Baishakh, and Jyeshtha the three months of the period, it Is quite hot except in the highest Elevations. It is dry, windy, and hazy due to dust.
Winter condition
Situations are almost completely opposite in the winter period that lasts from Ashwin to Falgun. It gets increasing colder for the first four or five months and weather is dry. There is about 3 corer population in Nepal. Lumbini is the birth palce of Gautam Buddha. He is known as "Light of Asia". He is a person who made our peace and nice. Our country is not well developed but also many tourists are coming in our country to see the natural beauties.
They will pay money to come in our Nepal and to see our natural beauty. We should respect them. Our Nepal is one garden of flower. The terai region is leveled alluvial plain. It has easier facilities of irrigation. So people are involving in the cultivation of tropical and sub-tropical crops like paddy, mustard, tobacco and sugarcane. Due to hot climate as many as 3 types of crops in a year are possible in the region. Large scales industries like sugar factories, cigarette factories provide good market for the agricultural products. Agriculture is possible in the terraces of central belt of Nepal due to adequate monsoon rain which receives in summer. Most of we are hindu and celebrate Dashain, Tihar, Teej, etc. Dashain is the most importance and biggest festivals of Neplese people.
Tihar is also second biggest festivals of Nepalesse people. It is most importance for Nepalese sister. Another festival is Teej. It is the most and most importance for Hindus Women. They take fast for their husband having a belief that their husband will have long life. We can enjoy a lot in these festivals. Another famous festival is Masta Puja which is celebrated by khas people of Bheri, Karnali, Seti, and Manakali zone of the Mid-west and Far-west Nepal. masta is their main deity but with no specific image.
So, our country Nepal is a beautiful country among all over the world. we should not forget that "Hario Ban Nepal ko Dhan".


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