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I got up early in the morning
Went to brush my teeth by running
The fire of excited was burning
And expecting for learning

I went to school in hurry
The interesting and expecting was making curry
My chick was being so readily
But the time was going slowly

I got into the bus at about seven
With the boys about eleven
But the dystrophy was irritating the brain
Everyone was hurry for their aim.

We reach there at 7:45
Have the bread bite
and went to the gumba at height.
Which was located at site

We return back from the gumba for lunch
Yesterday it was the time for our brunch
Bitten rice was so crunch
And again went for our badminton match

After match we went for our jungle trip
I got pain in my rib
And think for the first aid ship
But the friends has already leaved

We get our feet for east
Pay for the jesus Christ
Because the memorial idol of martyrs was in list
Which was the situation for discommodious 

For a second my mind became dote
and return back in spote
friends were doing song duet
so I became some time for mute.

I got lunch at dusk
Played with rocks
Put the things in box
And wait for our ox

Again new excitement was born
Thing I was wearing a babergeon
And comes the energy of lion
And then I heard sound of some horn

I got inside the ox in hie
Telling the dahachowk Bye
With some shy

But the ox make pain
Sound was producing like hen
Ache like hitted by a crane
And the energy went in den

I was like a hack
Because of the pain in back
Take the support of rack
And the energy was lack

The picnic was nice for ramkot
Right place for tourist vote
A small piece of paper was kept as note
And get inside the land bote

It was too polluted
like the cowshed
we got there a bit late
and there is no treatment as first aid

the picnic was memorable forever
it can be forgetten never
and think to went with my family ever
along with some amout of heather.

I got the picnic enjoy
Though it was a land hoy
And a land was turning in a way
I got a lot of medley


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